Sport, Vereine und Ehrenamt
Club life is an important part of social life and a sociable one at that. You are cordially invited to get involved! With more than 240 clubs, associations and groups, Hofheim has an extensive range of clubs that we are proud of.
Sport is also very important in the district town of Hofheim am Taunus. Over 40 sports clubs offer a wide range of activities for young and old, singles, couples and the whole family
weitere Informationen und Hinweise
The district town of Hofheim am Taunus promotes club life by providing a wide range of premises and sports facilities free of charge and also by making financial contributions.
Clubs wishing to find out more about this can find further information in the club funding guidelines.
Various forms are also available here.
- Vereinsförderungsrichtlinie der Kreisstadt Hofheim am Taunus (PDF (269,10 KB))
- Antrag Gewährung von Zuschüssen zur Unterhaltung und Pflege vereinseigener Sportstätten (PDF (7,55 KB))
- Ausführungsbestimmungen der Kreisstadt Hofheim am Taunus über die Förderung aus dem Vereinsfonds (PDF (88,27 KB))
- Richtlinien zur Ehrung Rubrik „Lebenswerk“ (PDF (218,21 KB))
- Übersicht der Zuschüsse zur Anmietung der Stadthalle (PDF (432,83 KB))
- Zuschussantrag Vereinsfonds (PDF (134,51 KB))