Pruszcz Gdański

The official twinning with the Polish town of Pruszcz Gdański took place on April 25, 2012. The twinning certificate was signed on this day.

When Hofheim entered into a partnership with the Italian town of Buccino on October 31, 2008, the idea of twinning with an Eastern European town was born at around the same time. The eventful German-Polish history prompted the Hofheim Town Twinning Association to seek friendly contacts with a Polish town. The European Union sent a list of around 50 cities that were looking for partners.
Hofheim sought closer contact with eight interested cities and Pruszcz Gdański emerged from the two remaining partners.

Pruszcz Gdański is located in the south of the so-called Tricity with the centers Gdańsk (Danzig), Sopot (Zoppot) and Gdynia (Gdingen). The Bay of Gdańsk is located around 14 kilometers northeast of the city.
The first traces of settlement appeared as early as the 6th century BC and continued uninterrupted until the 9th century. This fact has a unique historical value for Pruszcz Gdański. In 1367, Pruszcz becomes a village with all the rights that go with it, which is associated with several privileges, but also additional obligations such as a tax levy. In 1951, Pruszcz was given the name "Gdański" as a reminder of its strong affiliation to Gdańsk.

The post-war history of Pruszcz Gdański was closely linked to the industrial development of Gdańsk. Companies that produced equipment and elements for shipbuilding were based here. Many new apartments and service companies were built in the city. Agriculture - sugar factory, dairy, production of agricultural machinery - also played an important role.

Today, Pruszcz Gdański has over 26,000 inhabitants and has developed into an important automobile and rail transportation hub. This location, administrative bodies, agricultural processing industry, health care, cultural facilities - these are elements that made Pruszcz Gdański an agricultural center and the seat of many companies in the Gdańsk agglomeration.

Further information can be found on the homepage of the Hofheim Town Twinning Association (FHS):

Pruszcz Gdański - Citizens' meetings

People from Hofheim tell their stories about their experiences in Pruszcz Gdański.

Gleich am Donnerstag, 13.Juni um 17:00 Uhr fand die offizielle Begrüßung im Haus Wiedemann statt. Davor hatten wir Zeit uns etwas in der Stadt umzusehen, Geld zu wechseln und in dem beliebten Restaurant Chamäleon Mittag zu essen.

Im Haus Wiedemann begrüßten uns Bürgermeister Janusz Wróbel und andere Vertreter der Stadt, und wir freuten uns neue und alte Bekannte wieder zu sehen. Das Treffen fand im Ausstellungsraum statt und wir durften die laufende Ausstellung unter dem Titel „Danziger Maler“ besichtigen - schöne Bilder von bekannten Malern aus der Umgebung. Nebenbei gab es zu trinken und köstlich belegte Häppchen.

Am nächsten Tag fuhren wir mit dem Bus Richtung Kaschubei nach Bytów. Dort gibt es eine Mittelalterliche Burg des deutschen Ritterordens. Wir bekamen eine Führung durch die Räume. Heute wird die Burg als Kulturzentrum genutzt. Wir sahen dort eine Ausstellung mit naiver Malerei eines bekannten kaschubischen Künstlers und eine Abteilung mit Kaschubischem Kunstgewerbe: Spielsachen, Trachtenkleidung, Heiligenbilder und mehr.
Anschließend besuchten wir ein Freilichtmuseum in dem wir alte Handwerkskunst sahen und uns das Leben in den alten Zeiten vorstellen konnten. In einer ausgebauten Scheune durften wir ein köstliches Mittagessen genießen. Nach einer Kaffeepause ging es zurück zum Hotel. 

Die Zeit, die wir in den nächsten Tagen zur Verfügung hatten, wurde von unserer Gruppe unterschiedlich genutzt. Einige besuchten Danzig, schlenderten durch die Gassen und bewunderten die Architektur der Altstadt, andere fuhren mit einem Schiff zur Danziger Werft, besuchten Museen oder ließen sich am Ufer der Mottlau in einem Restaurant nieder. Die Zuhausegebliebenen konnten das Stadtfest von Pruszcz Gdański besuchen und an der Enthüllung einer Gedenkbank teilnehmen.

Am Abend des 15. Juni fand in der Faktoria (Ein nachgebauter Handelsposten, in dem Römer und Wikinger Handelsgeschäfte, hauptsächlich mit Bernstein betrieben) ein feierliches Festessen statt. Es war eine Jubiläumsfeier zum 20-jährigen Bestehen der Zusammenarbeit von Pruszcz Gdański mit Silute in Litauen. Auch Gäste aus Belgien und der Ukraine waren geladen. 

Die nächste freie Zeit wurde wieder unterschiedlich genutzt und am Abend waren wir eingeladen zu einem Imbiss im Sport - und Kulturzentrum. Es gab auch diverse Musikkonzerte in der Faktoria, aber die meisten unserer Truppe bevorzugten es, in der Bar „Seven Sports“ das Fußballspiel Deutschland gegen Schottland zu sehen. Dort konnten sie einen Sieg Deutschlands bejubeln.

Am nächsten Tag (Montag) trafen wir uns alle zu einer Fahrt nach Frombork „Frauenburg“ und Elbląg „Elbing“.In Frombork steht eine Kathedrale mit prachtvoller Ausstattung. In diesem Gotteshaus hörten wir ein Orgelkonzert. Anschließend konnte man sich im Ort umsehen, oder den Aussichtsturm besteigen. Man hat von dort einen wunderschönen Blick auf das Frische Haft bis nach Russland hinein.

Das Besondere in diesem Turm aber ist das Foucaultsche Pendel. Eine Kugel hängt an einem 28 m langen Seil. Ihre Schwingung dokumentiert, dass die Erde sich dreht. Nikolaus Kopernikus wirkte in der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jhd. in Frombork als Domherr und betrieb privat astronomische Studien.

In dem hübschen Städtchen Elbląg hatten wir dann noch Zeit für eine Stadtbesichtigung und einen Besuch im Café. Die Stadt wurde im Zweiten Weltkrieg fast ganz zerstört, aber wieder getreu aufgebaut.

Der 18.Juni war dann der Tag unserer Rückreise. Wir verließen Polen mit einer Menge bleibender Eindrücke und einer Erinnerung an wunderbare Gastgeber.

Bardzo dziękujemy/ Vielen Dank     
Do widzenia/ Auf Wiedersehen 

von Heidi Henningsen

11 years of friendship with Pruszcz Gdański

On Thursday evening, we welcomed 35 guests from our twin town Pruszcz Gdański.

Friday started with a reception by Mayor Christian Vogt, accompanied by city councillors Wolfgang Exner, Bernhard Köppler and Matthias Hees at the "Birkenhof" in Hofheim. Mayor Vogt emphasized the proximity to the city, but also the rural connection with a lot of agriculture around Hofheim. Gregor Betzel, who runs the Birkenhof, explained how fruit is grown and talked about the production of apple juice, sweeteners and cider. Strengthened by a delicious buffet, the tour group set off on a tour of Hofheim and its districts. At the first stop, the fire station in Hofheim, they were able to marvel at the fleet of vehicles. In Wallau, it was the new Ländcheshalle, the old Protestant church and the old courtyards, which could be explored even better with a donated round of ice cream. The final stop was the Bahá'i temple in Langenhain. The sacred building, also known as the House of Worship, is the only one of its kind in Germany. Some members of the FHS welcomed the group with tea, coffee, water and a small picnic.

A longer excursion was planned for Saturday. The destination was the cathedral city of Speyer, one of the oldest cities in Germany. The tour of the Imperial and St. Mary's Cathedral showed the world's largest surviving Romanesque church and the tour of the old town took place on historic cobblestones.

The day was rounded off with a stop at the "Preis" tavern in Hochheim for a traditional Hessian meal.

Sunday began with a concert by a member of the Polish group as part of the "50 Years" music school event in Hofheim. Paweł Zagańczyk on the accordion and his son Antoni on the clarinet played in the park by the hospital. Our guests enjoyed the successful event in the shade of the trees. The rest of Sunday was at leisure and was organized in a very varied way by the hosts.

Monday is the "free" day without a program. Some excursions, including to Frankfurt and Bad Homburg, were organized independently before the farewell evening at the Bürgerhaus in Marxheim.

Accompanied by music from Beate Kletti and hosted by 2nd Chairman Hans Jürgen Koblitz, speeches of thanks were given by the mayors of both towns and the Chairwoman of the Hofheim Town Twinning Association Ingrid Bender, gifts were exchanged and a warm invitation to come to Pruszcz Gdański next year was extended. There was exuberant singing and dancing and a successful buffet rounded off the visit.

On Tuesday morning, it was time to say goodbye and everyone hoped to see everyone again next year in Pruszcz Gdański in June.

by Ingrid Bender

On September 13, 2022, a group from Hofheim (adults and young people) flew to Gdansk. The program for the special visit (10th anniversary between our cities Pruszcz Gdański - Hofheim) was very varied and interesting.

On the very first day, an epitaph exhibition was visited in the Wiedemann House, where the official welcome by Mayor Wróbel also took place.

The following day, the hosts organized a concert at Lyceum No. 1, where students from the music school in Hofheim played some well-known rock songs. Surprisingly, the director of the school picked up his guitar and got up on stage for the first song. The atmosphere was great! After the music event, there was a 3-hour tour of the town. Mayor Wróbel took the time to show us his city in detail.

An important special feature was the unveiling of the information board about Hofheim, which the town of Hofheim had ceremoniously presented to mark the 10th anniversary of the partnership. Strangely enough, no residents attended the event, which was quite sobering.
The hosts had organized an excursion to Pelplin (a well-known pilgrimage town in Poland), where they visited a monastery, a museum and an important basilica.

In the evening, everyone celebrated the important feast day together at a festive barbecue dinner. There were a few speeches in a family atmosphere, several gifts were exchanged and a lovely surprise cake, a gift from Mayor Vogt, rounded off the special evening.

The next day, everyone drove to the Danziger Werder in beautiful weather. There they visited an old mill, a small church and two so-called "Vorlaubhäuser", which are typical of this landscape. That evening there was a big surprise - an exclusive concert by the well-known Polish jazz singer Krystyna Duras. The enthusiasm of the audience knew no bounds.

On the last day, many Hofheimers went to Gdansk on their own. It was a beautiful sunny day, which some spent outside in numerous cafés. In the evening, a traditional seniors' ball was held with the participation of Hofheim guests, organized by Mayor Wróbel. With wonderful impressions and landscapes in their minds and hearts, all the Hofheimers flew back to Germany.
It was a great meeting in Pruszcz Gdański.

by Helena Taranczewski

Local, regional, European! Guests from the Polish twin town of Pruszcz Gdański visited Hofheim. Mayor Janusz Wróbel, Pruszcz Gdański, and State Secretary Axel Wintermeyer emphasized the importance of such activities for the future of Europe with concise and optimistic words at the farewell dinner of this citizens' meeting.

Axel Wintermeyer presented the Förderkreis Hofheimer Städtepartnerschaften e.V. with a cheque for further successful work. On this evening we looked back on 5 eventful days with our Polish friends. 30 guests had traveled to Hofheim from Pruszcz Gdański, almost all of whom were staying with Hofheim families. We were particularly pleased to welcome 7 students from the high school in Pruszcz, who also stayed with Hofheim families and completed a great exchange program with the Elisabethenschule.

The students studied together and had an extra program such as cooking together and two excursions to Frankfurt. On Sunday there was an enjoyable pizza dinner together! The responsible teachers, Mrs. Henrich, Elisabethenschule, and Mrs. Poniatowska, Polish grammar school, are already planning further cooperation, with the emphasis on "together" rather than "work".

On Thursday morning, our guests were able to get to know Hofheim's old town, as many of them were there for the first time and were curious about the German twin town. At 12.00 noon, the city of Hofheim hosted a reception and immediately afterwards we drove to Wiesbaden. We took the historic mountain railroad up to the Neroberg, enjoyed the beautiful view of Wiesbaden and visited the Russian church. Afterwards, we had some time for coffee and cake and a short stroll through Wiesbaden's old town. The evening belonged to the hosts and guests.

This year's trip to the region was to Seligenstadt. The old town with its half-timbered buildings enchanted everyone. The excellent guided tour of the town, including the basilica, was very impressive. On Friday, we also visited a private brewery. The tasting of several types of beer was a lot of fun. In the evening, we stopped for dinner in Eppertshausen. Many conversations in German, Polish, English and with hands and feet made the evening an entertaining experience in every way.

On Saturday, we went to Frankfurt in small groups, where the Neue Mitte in particular was our destination. In beautiful sunshine, Frankfurt was colorful, modern and old at the same time.

On Sunday, after the service in the Catholic church, the host families went on short trips with their guests to the area around Hofheim. Destinations included the Rhine, the castles of Eppstein and Königstein, the Hofheim forest and many other sights. In the evening, the day ended on a cheerful and friendly note with good food and wine.

Our guests were very impressed by the diversity, both locally and regionally, which they told us again and again and which was evident in their reactions.

See you next year in Pruszcz Gdański!

34 Hofheimers spent a few sunny days in our twin town of Pruszcz Gdański. Some of them, as well as the eight pupils from Elisabethenschule, came to Poland for the first time and experienced an extremely hospitable and interesting city and a beautiful surrounding area.

On the first day, they visited an art gallery and an old mill where only regional products are sold. This was followed by a guided tour of the old church in Pruszcz Gdański. After the official welcome by the mayor in the town hall, the joint gift from the town of Hofheim and the Hofheim Town Twinning Association was ceremoniously and amusingly unveiled: A bench in the park!

In the evening, a ball was held to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the "University of the Third Age".

Saturday was dedicated to a visit to the beautiful city of Gdansk, which showed itself from its most beautiful side in bright sunshine. However, the visit to the Museum of the Second World War was rather thought-provoking. On Saturday evening there was a festive dinner, accompanied by gracious speeches from the mayor Janusz Wróbel and city councillor Wilfried Stierstädter.

The following two days were filled with great excursions to the surroundings of Pruszcz Gdański: a trip to Frombork (formerly Frauenburg) and on to Elbing. There we took a 4-hour boat trip on the Elbląg Canal. The technology of this canal was astonishing, allowing a considerable difference in height to be overcome in an original way!

On Monday, there was an excursion, first by small boat, from Rabka to Łeba and then a hike through a beautiful forest to the world-famous shifting sand dunes. The landscape there is breathtaking. You climb a steep and high dune and suddenly the Polish Sahara lies at your feet. With one small difference: there is a real sea in sight!

On the day of departure, a meeting was held with some friends at the home of Mayor Janusz Wróbel. The mayor, Ms. Gisela Stang, found the right words to say goodbye: "...if everyone in Europe sat at the same table with such openness and openness, we would have far fewer problems. Thank you for a great time."

The days in Pruszcz Gdański will remain unforgettable.

When saying goodbye, Deputy Mayor Wojciech Gawkowski asked the German participants what they had particularly enjoyed about Pruszcz Gdański. But no matter how often he asked, he only received one answer: the warm hospitality with which the Hofheimers were welcomed and looked after in the new twin town. And indeed, this unreserved hospitality was probably the most impressive experience that the 40-strong delegation was able to take home with them from their five-day visit to the Pomeranian city at the end of September.

After the town twinning with Pruszcz Gdański was sealed in Hofheim on April 25 this year, this was the first official return visit. Mayor Gisela Stang, City Councillor Wolfgang Vater, First City Councillor Wolfgang Exner, City Councillor Wolfgang Winckler, numerous city councillors and members of the city administration were also present. The Förderkreis Hofheimer Städtepartnerschaften (FHS) was represented by the first chairman Dr. Jörg Bastian, the board members responsible for Pruszcz Gdański Helena Taranczewski and Dr. Viktoria Polllmann and several members of the FHS, who had been particularly committed to the establishment of the partnership in recent years.


Both cities sign a new agreement

The highlight of the official part of the program was the signing of an agreement between the two cities, which aims to further promote mutual knowledge and understanding and to establish a regular, mutually informative and useful exchange of experiences between the administrations. The ceremonial act took place during a meeting of the Polish city parliament in the "Faktoria", the impressive open-air museum that has been commemorating the city's Roman past on the "Via Ambra", the Amber Road running from the Baltic Sea to Italy, since 2011. The regional television station Pół filmed the event.

Pruszcz Gdański introduces itself

Naturally, the hosts introduced their city to the Hofheimers, many of whom were visiting Pruszcz Gdański for the first time. From the reception in the town hall, where the work of the "University of the Third Age" was explained in the presence of many of the course participants, the tour continued to the town library, which is housed in a beautiful building from the 18th
century. The other focus was also on educational institutions. An elementary school impressed with its excellent facilities. It has its own
swimming pool and spacious sports facilities - although this is not a Polish standard. The children presented the guests with a pantomime performance of "Guliver's Travels" and impressed not only the Hofheim teachers traveling with them with their calm, disciplined work attitude in class. This work ethic also caught the eye of the upper school students from Lyceum I, with whom the Main-Taunus School has a regular student exchange program. It was also with justifiable pride that the exemplary facility for the practically educated, which was housed in a restored historical building a few years ago, was presented. A concert on the baroque organ in the medieval Church of the Holy Cross and a tour of the Faktoria rounded off the exploration of the city.


Past and present: Gdansk and Marienburg Castle

The area around Pruszcz Gdański has so much to offer that it is only possible to experience a few excerpts in a few days. One day was also reserved for Gdansk, just nine kilometers away, on this trip. The tour began at the Lenin Shipyard, where the resistance against the communist regime began in 1970, which ultimately led to the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and thus made German reunification possible. The dramatic history of these years is impressively documented in the Solidarność Museum. The visit to the museum was followed by a guided tour of the old town, which was destroyed in the Second World War but has been beautifully rebuilt.

Many of our fellow travelers enjoyed a wonderful concert evening with the Baltic Philharmonic Orchestra, for which an excellent concert hall was built a few years ago on Speicherinsel in the walls of a former power station.

Another excursion took us to Malbork (Marienburg). The imposing medieval fortress of the Teutonic Order on the River Nogat is another important site in German-Polish history. After the end of the Crusades, the Order of Knights took part in the colonization of the East. In 1309, the Grand Master moved the seat of the Order to Marienburg Castle. From here, the originally clerical order became the predominant state and economic power in the Baltic region by the end of the 14th century, a supremacy which it lost again to the then Poland in the course of the 15th century. Largely destroyed at the end of the Second World War, Marienburg Castle has been almost completely restored in recent decades and today, thanks to the outstanding art of Polish restorers, once again bears witness to the splendor of the Order's former power.


A friendship is born

The people in our new twin town let us feel it: the shadows of the past should not be forgotten, but overcome together. The German guests are impressed by the open-mindedness and warmth with which they make contact with each other. Even though many Germans don't speak Polish and many Poles don't speak German, communication is successful. When people dance together after a wonderful meal with Pomeranian specialties ..., when the barbecue evening in the Faktoria culminates in a German-Polish singing competition (which is then won by an Italian) ..., then it is almost like being with old friends. The foundations have certainly been laid and for some, who already know each other better through repeated visits and return visits, it is already a real friendship. The 3 partnership between Hofheim and Pruszcz Gdański, the friendships between Hofheimers and the people from Pruszcz, are off to a good start.

by Dr. Gerhard Marquordt


For older reports, please contact the "Town Twinning" team or visit

Translated with DeepL 26. March 2024