Familie Marxheim

Die Familie Marxheim ist ein Stadtteilprojekt in Trägerschaft des Caritas Main Taunus e.V. mit dem Ziel, die Menschen im Quartier miteinander in Kontakt zu bringen. Sie will einzelnen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, aber auch das Gespräch zwischen den Generationen und Kulturen fördern.

Volunteers shop for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions! The Marxheim family, in cooperation with the Senior Citizens' Neighborhood Assistance and the "Solidarität grenzenlos MTK" group, offers a shopping service for all people in Marxheim and the city center who do not want to or cannot leave their homes to go shopping due to the official recommendations of the state of Hesse.

If you would like to register your need or find out more, please contact:

Esther Mundhenke, Project Manager Family North / Family Marxheim under the auspices of the Caritas Association for the Main-Taunus District,

E-mail: mundhenke(at)caritas-main-taunus.de; Telephone: 0176 64109441

The offer is free of charge!


The Marxheim family is also there for you!

The Marxheim Family is a neighborhood project sponsored by Caritas Main Taunus e.V. with the aim of bringing people in the neighborhood into contact with each other. It aims to provide individual citizens with advice and support, but also to promote conversation between generations and cultures.

You can reach us every Monday from 10 am to 12 noon in our district office at Frankfurter Straße 106 in Hofheim-Marxheim. It is also possible to arrange another appointment. You can reach project manager Esther Mundhenke on 0176/64109441.

We can help you with

- Correspondence with authorities and schools

- Assistance with visits to the authorities

- Finding contacts at advice centers

- Interpreting in various languages

and much more.

From October to April, we offer a soup supper every Monday from 12.00 - 13.30 in the St. Georg parish hall on the corner of Klarastraße and Mainzer Straße.

From May to September, our walking café takes place on 8 Tuesdays at different locations in the district.

We invite you to join us for crêpes at the Bodelschwingh School on fixed dates a few days a year. Beforehand, you can attend a short talk on topics relevant to the district in our district office.

On Mondays, children of primary school age can take part in our craft club at the Anne Frank after-school care center. Twice a year we offer a small vacation camp for children. Here, children from the neighborhood with and without a migration background can get to know each other better and have a lot of fun doing activities together.

You can find more details about the dates in the notice board in front of our office at Frankfurter Straße 106 or on our website:

Support with purchasing

For people who need assistance with their weekly shopping, we offer an accompanied shopping trip. Every Friday from 10:00 a.m., a shuttle bus runs to the supermarkets in Ahornstraße in Marxheim. The stops are determined according to demand. Please contact us! Answering machine for registration at: 0176/54313411

Translated with DeepL 26. March 2024