Ukraine Hilfe

Der Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine erschüttert Europa – auch uns in Hofheim. Unzählige Menschen sind auf der Flucht aus der Ukraine. Die meisten sind im Nachbarland Polen, viele haben den Weg nach Deutschland gefunden, auch nach Hofheim. Viele Hofheimerinnen und Hofheimer fragen sich, wie sie helfen können. Für sie haben wir hier eine Liste mit Informationen zusammengestellt.

The city of Hofheim is delighted that so many people are willing to volunteer to help refugees. We need some information so that we can put you in the right place and make this useful and enjoyable for everyone involved. Click here for the contact form where you can indicate what kind of help you would like to offer,

Contact form for offers of help

Are you considering volunteering your time to help refugees from Ukraine? This could be various things: for example, accompanying them on their first shopping trips and visits to the authorities, activities such as playgroups and even individual sponsorships. Even seemingly small "time donations" help a lot!

Please get in touch with the currently active helper networks, which are coordinated by the Hofheim parishes.

General questions and Hofheim town center:
Marianne Köhne
E-Mail: markoehne(at)

Bettina Lassak
E-mail: familie.lassak(at)

Inge Lindemann
E-mail: lindemann-inge(at)

Marita Thum
E-Mail: akasyl-diedenbergen(at)

Doris Bäuerle-Obst
E-Mail: doris.baeuerle.obst(at)

Andrea Sangmeister-Behr
E-Mail: sangmeister-behr(at)

Vaclav Barton
E-Mail: vbarton(at)

Individuals and families from Ukraine who would like to register their residence in Hofheim can call the town hall directly on (06192) 202-270.

Hofheim's twin town Pruszcz Gdański in Poland is taking in Ukrainian refugees. Although the town is around 700 kilometers from the Polish-Ukrainian border, according to the mayor there, Janusz Wrόbel, many people have already arrived and more are arriving every day.

The town of Pruszcz Gdański has set up a donation account under the title: "SOS Ukraine". The Förderkreis Hofheimer Städtepartnerschaften is calling on people to support the city of Pruszcz Gdański in its efforts.

Anyone wishing to make a donation can do so using the following bank details:
Gmina Miejska Pruszcz Gdański (Municipality of Pruszcz Gdański),
Account number: PL78 8335 0003 0121 1827 2000 0004
It is very important to state the purpose: SOS Ukraina.

The donations are mainly used to finance lunches, to buy hygiene articles and to cover the current needs of the refugees.

At the beginning of the war in Ukraine, many people in Hofheim spontaneously and selflessly agreed to take in people who had to leave their homes on a temporary basis. As the war continues, it is now essential for these people to be able to make long-term plans. Numerous people from other countries of origin, such as Afghanistan or Syria, some of whom have been living in Hofheim for years, are also looking for permanent tenancies.

The city collects offers from landlords for the above-mentioned group of people and provides support in finding suitable people or families for your property. So if you own residential property that is not currently rented out or if your current tenants are about to move out, please contact us at and we will contact you immediately to discuss your offer.

Unless one or more family members are already employed, the above-mentioned group of people generally receive benefits in accordance with SGB II. The rental costs are therefore covered by the local job center.

Would you like to continue to offer your apartment, house or individual rooms as temporary accommodation for new arrivals from Ukraine? You are welcome to post your offer on the platform platform.

For further information on registration and residence permits for refugees, please refer to theHomepage of the district

Thank you for your commitment and willingness to help. Hofheim stands together - and will continue to do so.

The Main-Taunus district is also looking for people who speak Ukrainian or Russian and are willing to interpret for refugees. You can get in touch at the following address:

The Association of German Cities has announced that refugees with a valid Ukrainian identity card can easily open a basic account at financial institutions. This means that refugees can also provide themselves with cash.

According to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), legal problems that initially arose when opening basic accounts for displaced persons were quickly resolved.

The explanation of the siren test, in Hofheim every second Wednesday of the month at 12 noon, can be found here in German, Ukrainian and Russian. If you know refugees from Ukraine, please explain that this is a test alarm that is not intended to unsettle them.

We would like to draw your attention to the courses offered by the Volkshochschule (vhs) of the Main-Taunus-Kreis:

Language course (start June 27, 2022) especially for people who volunteer to support refugees from Ukraine. Further information and registration at

Translated with DeepL 26. March 2024