Bitte verwenden Sie für das Melden von:
- Mobilfunklöcher
- Störung/Defekt Straßenlaternen
- Störung/Defekt im Strom- oder Gasnetz
- Mängel auf Radwegen
die unten aufgeführten Links und nicht das Formular.
Report further defects or faults
With the official app of the Federal Government "Broadband Measurement" (available for the App Store and Google Play Store), you can measure the locally available data transfer rate on mobile devices or record the network availability and thus determine any existing dead spots. The app is available to you free of charge and without advertising.
The measurement is possible regardless of provider and technology. The individually recorded network availability (no network, 2G, 3G, 4G) is saved on the end device and displayed on a map. The data is also transmitted to the broadband measurement system and is used in aggregated form for a later overall presentation. The collected data will be used to discuss with the mobile phone providers where the networks need to be improved.
On the following page on broadband measurement (commissioned by the Federal Network Agency), you will find the necessary links to the apps and applications.
You can report street lighting faults by telephone or online in the following cases:
- A street lighting pole has been knocked over/hit
- A mast door or mast flap is open or defective (live parts openly accessible)
- A lamp glass or a lamp tray is in danger of falling down
- An entire street is dark
- A luminaire at a crosswalk or level crossing is defective or there is a fault in the street lighting